Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation

Are you concerned about the serious health implications of smoking? Perhaps the financial burden weighs heavily on your mind. For example, someone who starts smoking at age 15 could spend approximately £120,000 over their lifetime, assuming they live long enough. Or maybe you’re tired of how your clothes, hair, car, and home smell. There are many compelling reasons to quit smoking, and hypnotherapy can help you achieve this goal.


How can hypnotherapy stop me smoking?


Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for smoking cessation. A professional clinical hypnotherapist can uncover the subconscious reasons behind your smoking habits, enabling a modification of ingrained behaviours. People smoke for various reasons, including habit, peer pressure, and social inclusion. During hypnosis, the therapist can explore the hidden psychological and emotional needs that you may be attempting to satisfy through smoking.

As an award-winning hypnotherapist with 18 years of experience in helping individuals stop smoking, I invite you to call now to book an initial consultation or simply have a chat about how you can finally quit cigarettes for good.

What happens when you stop smoking?

What medical evidence is there that hypnosis can help you stop smoking?


“Hypnotherapy patients are more likely to be non-smokers.”
Recent research presented at CHEST 2007, the annual scientific assembly of the American College of Chest Physicians, indicated that hospitalised smokers who underwent hypnotherapy were more likely to quit smoking at the six-month mark compared to those using nicotine replacement therapy or those who attempted to quit ‘cold turkey’ .


British Journal of Psychiatry produces report stating that quitting smoking ‘reduces anxiety’

A study conducted by the British Journal of Psychiatry (BJP) found that quitting smoking can significantly reduce anxiety levels. While many believe that smoking alleviates stress, nicotine can actually increase it. In a study involving nearly 500 smokers at NHS stop smoking clinics, significant decreases in anxiety levels were observed among those who stopped smoking . Interestingly, those with mood and anxiety disorders experienced a more substantial reduction in anxiety compared to those who smoked for pleasure.


Is there a guarantee?

If you begin smoking again within one month of your treatment, a free top-up session is available to help you stay on track.

If you’re interested in exploring more about how hypnotherapy can support your journey to quit smoking, please contact us for more information. Additionally, if you’re struggling with anxiety, consider learning more about our hypnotherapy for anxiety services.

If stress management is a concern, our stress relief hypnotherapy page may also provide valuable insights.

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Recognized Expertise in Hypnotherapy